A mixed-voice choir sings during Sunday worship
Part 2


O sing to the Lord a new song; 

Sing to the Lord, all the earth.

— Psalm 96:1

frobenius at fifty:
a fundraising campaign for the organ

Read more here

It’s often said that “those who sing pray twice.” At First Church, music has always been an integral part of worship, starting with the tradition of psalm singing that the Puritans brought with them to New England. This led to the printing of the new metric psalm translation known as the Bay Psalm Book in 1640 right here in Cambridge, the first book printed in the British colony. For us, music continues to be one of the best forms of praise, revealing our relationship with God and each other in the practice of a universal human activity. Through our singing and playing our community celebrates and affirms our bonds in song and story.

Learn more about the history of our hymnal, organ, and ongoing music projects.

Because of the beauty and superior acoustics of our sanctuary and chapel, we host a wide variety of musical performances presented by a number of Greater Boston’s performing organizations, many of whom call First Church their performing home. To inquire about hosting a concert at First Church, please visit Building Use. To attend an upcoming concert, visit our Calendar.