Welcome to First Church in Cambridge
We’re glad you found us! First Church is a vibrant, multi-generational, engaged urban church. We care a lot about each other and what’s happening in the world around us. Wherever you are on the journey of life or faith, you are welcome here.
Navigating Transition
Pastoral Transition Work
Opportunities to Provide Input
At our Fall Congregational Meeting, we announced a proposed timeline for our interim period. The next task is for the congregation to nominate people to serve on the Discovery Team.
In order to set the stage for the work of the transitional Discovery Team, we will be hosting listening sessions in January…
Latest news
New Year, New Sunday Morning Schedule
As we begin a new year in January, we will be shifting the order of our Sunday morning programs and rehearsals to a new (but really, an old) schedule. Longtime members will remember that our pre-worship formation used to take…
We Need Some Good Questions
During the early months of 2025, in the Season after Epiphany, we will focus our worship and preaching on… well… questions. Specifically, questions that come from you! We want you to submit BIG questions about church / God / faith…