label for blog title "Water in the Wilderness"

What Could Help on “Mass and Cass?”

A reflection on the situation at “Mass and Cass” from First Church Shelter Director Jim Stewart. The “Mass and Cass” situation didn’t just happen. It is the predictable outcome of a punitive, stigma-based policy which defines certain drugs as illicit and…

label for blog title "Water in the Wilderness"

Advent is Here!

Advent is here, Beloved! Are you looking for a way to ground yourself in spiritual practice this season? Check out Jaz’s videos for all ages on how we can ground ourselves in spiritual practices at different times of day. As…

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Giving As A Spiritual Practice

Together, we are learning how to venture into the deep water of God’s love, throwing our nets that we so lovingly knotted, having faith that God is doing a new thing in and through us in this transitional season. How might we lean further into that invitation to go deeper into relationship with one another?

Just Look

A few weeks ago, in the throes of pandemic weariness, and desperately longing for spring, a mysterious switch was flicked in my brain. I began noticing birds.