The First Church List
We are so glad that you’ve joined the List, and we look forward to the connections we’ll make here as a community. We hope that you will use the First Church List to: Share personal announcements and prayer requests. Publicize…
We are so glad that you’ve joined the List, and we look forward to the connections we’ll make here as a community. We hope that you will use the First Church List to: Share personal announcements and prayer requests. Publicize…
If you are looking for a prayer to pray this week, pray with us: Holy and eternal God, turn our faces to you… Give us space to come into your presence, Life beyond life… Wellspring of being… Draw near to…
For many of us, Advent is a time for introspection and reflection. As the days grow shorter, we feel the silence of winter, and experience an invitation to become still and quiet. As we anticipate the return of the light (both literally and figuratively in Christ), we turn inward in contemplation and appreciation.
First Church member Buzz Gagnebin is a generous patron of the arts. He engaged three musical groups to prepare videos of Christmas caroling for First Church families to enjoy as we celebrate Christmas. Find links below to the videos and…
I sent the poems and images to the Men’s Breakfast group for our November meeting. We talked about the sijo verse form—three lines with a ‘twist’—and the movement out and about that a poem invites us as readers or writers to follow. Then those attending made their own poems, which follow. And they do also lead us, away, to other places of vision, contemplation, experiment.
God of wonder, of light and shadow, half-revealed, half-hidden One… O radiant darkness, we praise you and we bless you! Your hands are stretched toward us in giving, and from your heart flow rivers of grace. Slow us down to…
Blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. They are like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves…
As followers of Jesus, we are invited to let the good in us “grow together” with all that is not of God. As my daughter puts it: “you can be beautiful even when you’re wrapped in weeds.”
As we participate in holy communion from home, perhaps you are wondering if you can bake your own? The recipe below is what our own Kate Layzer used for the communion bread for this Sunday’s worship at her house: COMMUNION…
We respond to an invitation by our poet in residence Jean Dany to join him in writing Haikus about the soul work that is required to work for justice and racial equality in the world. Submission by Holly Marple, a…