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Adult Formation: The Life of Harriet A. Jacobs 

  • Date: Sunday, February 19, 2023
  • Time: 9:30am10:15am EST
  • Location: Harter Room; Zoom

Join Ministerial Interns Carla Arevalo Carbajal and Ahmaad Edmund for a new series about the life of Harriet A. Jacobs, an African American woman enslaved in the U.S. who harnessed her spiritual power to navigate her way to freedom. The series aims to provide participants with a closer connection to the divine power found in unlikely circumstances. Antiracism and healing work is not an easy or simple journey; Romans 8:22-25 gives us a language where “the labor pains” of creation can reflect the labor pains experienced in social justice and healing. Harriet will become a guiding force that will encourage and teach us how, in our labor pains, to push for new life and healing. Stay tuned for a Faith & Life Group offering on Harriet Jacobs following in Lent.

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Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 829 9392 3977, Passcode: 746617

Zoom Dial-In: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 829 9392 3977, Passcode: 746617


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