Finely detailed wrought iron grate


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Ash Wednesday Service

  • Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
  • Time: 7:00pm7:30pm EST
  • Location: Zoom and YouTube (Information in Description)

On this Ash Wednesday, we will reflect on our origins in the dust, our brokenness, and our dependence on God through a liturgy of readings, song, and prayer. Gathered together in the Spirit, we will turn to acknowledge ashes as a sign of creation, mortality, repentance, and the Cross. Join us for our evening service with virtual self-imposition of ashes via Zoom. For those who cannot attend the evening service, a virtual “Ashes-to-go” video will be available on our YouTube Channel by 7:00 a.m. Please pick up a Church at Home kit to aid in this worship experience.

Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 816 0276 7659, Passcode: Ashes
Zoom Dial-In: 1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 816 0276 7659, Passcode: 460839


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