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Called To Repair: Church-Wide Conversations

  • Date: Sunday, January 21, 2024
  • Time: 9:30am10:15am EST
  • Location: Harter Room; Zoom

Join us for two important First Church conversations about our call to the work of truth telling and to the spiritual practice of repair and reparations!  We will hear and learn from Pastoral Associates Carla Arevalo and Ahmaad Edmund, Ministerial Intern Emma Thomas, and members of the Beloved Community group. Bring your questions, concerns, and hopes about reparations to these interactive sessions as we consider not only our church’s history, but our lives, our family histories, and growing efforts in Cambridge and beyond in the work of healing and repair.

Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 841 0342 8857, Passcode: 474966

Zoom Dial-In: • +1 929 205 6099,Meeting ID: 841 0342 8857, Passcode: 474966



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