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Faith & Life Group: Nature as a Path to Connection

  • Date: Sunday, February 25, 2024
  • Time: 12:30pm2:00pm EST
  • Location: Meet on Church Lawn

Leader: Stefanie Haug, LICSW, certified Mindful Outdoor Guide

Join us as we go outdoors and connect with each other and our natural world. We’ll explore forest bathing which interweaves contemplative practices with nature lore. Together we can identify some themes (e.g. nature appreciation, change, stress reduction, etc) as well as locations in our Cambridge neighborhood (e.g. Mount Auburn Cemetery, Fresh Pond Reservation, Magazine Beach Audubon). Possible dates include Monday, Friday and/or Sunday afternoons. All ages, abilities, and interests are welcome as we explore (in the words of Mary Oliver) “…our place in the family of things,” with calmness, curiosity and care.

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