Finely detailed wrought iron grate


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First Church Shelter Presents The Annual Doris Beauvais Luncheon and Mitch Snyder Awards

  • Date: Sunday, October 29, 2023
  • Time: 12:00pm2:00pm EDT
  • Location: Margaret Jewett Hall; McKenzie Library; Lindsay Chapel ()

The First Church Shelter warmly invites everyone to their annual celebration of those doing good and important work for unhoused people across the Commonwealth. Join us for a delicious luncheon followed by the presentation of the 2023 Mitch Snyder awards.

This year’s recipients include:

  • Steven Murray, Grayken Center Overdose Hotline
  • Princess Baptiste-Maloney, Barbara McInnis House
  • Terry Rumsey & Robin Lasersohn, Greenseeds Grants
  • Ellen Semonoff & Elizabeth Mengers, Dept. of Human Service Programs, Cambridge



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