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Lenten Formation Series: Courage That Inspires 

  • Date: Sunday, February 18, 2024
  • Time: 9:30am10:15am EST
  • Location: Harter Room

We begin on the first Sunday of Lent with a general orientation to the liturgical season of Lent by our own Beth Spaulding. Then, join First Church leaders, staff, and guests as they guide us through a time of prayerful meditation and learning from the remarkable lives and stories of various Americans Who Tell the Truth. The four portraits on loan to us this year will be rotated between the Harter Room and Hastings Common so that we may sit with the featured truth teller each week in the Harter Room.

February 18: The Liturgical Season of Lent, led by Beth Spaulding

February 25: Courage that Inspires – Rev. William Barber II

March 3: Courage that Inspires – James Baldwin

March 10: Courage that Inspires – Pauli Murray

March 16: Courage that Inspires – Leah Penniman

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Meeting ID: 841 0342 8857

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