Finely detailed wrought iron grate


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The sanctuary of First Church Cambridge filled with Sunday worshippers

Morning Worship – Joining Sunday

  • Date: Sunday, November 12, 2023
  • Time: 11:00am12:15pm EST
  • Location: Sanctuary; Live-Stream

Today we welcome those who are choosing to join the church as members through covenantal promises. In addition to engaging in the life and ministries of the church, members are given the opportunity to vote at congregational meetings. New members are invited to gather in Hastings Common at 10:00 a.m. to receive their flowers and name tags, and to get any questions answered before worship begins. If you have any questions or would like to talk more about Joining Sunday, please do not hesitate to reach out to Carla Arevalo at:

Please visit our worship page for livestream link and Sunday bulletin.

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