Finely detailed wrought iron grate


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girl standing in front of an exhibit


  • Date: Sunday, March 7, 2021
  • Time: 12:15pm1:30pm EST
  • Location: Zoom (Information in Description)

In 2019, as part of our ongoing efforts to reckon with our slaveholding past, the Beloved Community group contracted with First Church member Karlene Griffiths Sekou to conduct focus groups with small segments of some impacted communities to gain insight about the living legacies of white supremacy and racism. Karlene conducted seven community focus groups to gather feedback on our initial ideas for a public remembrance project, and she facilitated wider community conversations about repair.

Karlene has now completed this process and is ready to report on her findings. Please join us for a Zoom conversation with Karlene about what we have learned. Our hope is to invite impacted communities to help share how we move forward towards accountability, repair, and reparations.

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Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 870 8280 8388, Passcode: AfterCh

Zoom Dial-In: 1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 870 8280 8388, Passcode: 1717325


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