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Rev. Dr. Mónica Maher Pentecost Testimony & After-Worship Presentation

  • Date: Sunday, May 19, 2024
  • Time: 12:30pm1:15pm EDT
  • Location: Harter Room; Zoom

Community Minister in Latin America Rev. Dr. Mónica Maher will be with us to share a testimony during Morning Worship and a presentation about her current work after church in the Harter Room. Mónica is a Social Ethicist with decades of professional experience in Latin America. Since 2010, she has been a Visiting Professor in the graduate programs of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. She is the Founder and Senior Minister of the United Church of Ecuador and Founding Director of the Ecuadorian Faith Network. From 2016-2021, she served as Coordinator of the Latin American Program of Friends Peace Teams, dedicated to trauma healing and peace-building in Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador. Based in Quito, Ecuador, Mónica travels frequently throughout Latin America and is a fierce advocate for LGBTQI+, indigenous, and women’s rights. Join us during and after Morning Worship, as we continue to build this powerful connection with Mónica and her ministry!

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Meeting ID: 895 2886 6815


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