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Space to Listen: Reflecting on the Gospel of Luke With Brent Coffin

  • Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Time: 7:30am8:45am EDT
  • Location: Zoom (Information in Description)

Brent Coffin will lead a new series of small group sessions via Zoom. Together, we will reflect upon the Gospel of Luke as the narrative of Jesus in relation to the narratives of our own lives. We typically read the Gospel in small pieces, just as we live our lives in the intensity of each day. While necessarily living in the day, we can lose sight of the ongoing themes woven in and throughout our lives. What if we approached the gospel with an eye to the unfolding themes of the whole story? Could this exploration help us to consider our own lives as unfolding narratives?  This is untraveled terrain, so we’ll begin with six weeks and see where the road takes us.  Meetings will be held on Tuesday mornings, January 11, 25, February 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. A time of informal check-in will begin promptly at 7:30 followed by framing remarks from Brent, with space for intimate small group listening and sharing to follow.

Questions? Please contact Brent Coffin.

Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 886 5790 1187, Passcode: 346510

Zoom Dial-In: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 886 5790 1187, Passcode: 346510


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