You’ve worshiped with us, you’ve spent some time browsing our website, and now you’re wondering about a deeper dive into our shared life and ministry. There are many ways to engage—praying together, studying together, serving together. Click on a button below that interests you, and learn more about how you can get involved! You can also follow what our offerings are season to season, week to week by signing up for our weekly, e-newsletter First Glance.
If you would like more help finding your way through these options to get involved fill out a virtual (anytime) or physical pew card (on Sunday morning) and someone on staff will be in contact with you shortly.
Small Groups
Small groups provide the chance to go a little deeper together: to share our lives, talk about things that interest or challenge us, and take part in activities—from nature walks to cooking, from study to art projects to prayer. In small groups, the faces we see on Sundays become people with names and stories. In small groups, we can come to know and be known by others. Interested in diving deeper? Join a small group!
Adult and Children’s Formation
At First Church, we love to learn, and we keep it up through every stage and age of life! Curiosity feeds our spirits, and we aren’t afraid to wonder and ask deep questions about our faith, the world, and ourselves. In fact, “wondering” is one of the very first things we teach our children in Godly Play. We value accompanying each other through our explorations in this life, which is why we offer a range of Adult Formation and Children and Youth Formation programming throughout the year. What are you wondering about these days? Bring your questions to our next formation activity.
Serving Our Community
Are you happiest when hosting? Moved by music? Inspired by infrastructure? Brilliant at budgets? Your gifts may be just what the church needs to do its best work and be its best self. You can draw on the skills you already have, or stretch and try something new. Serving is a great way to “plug in” and get to know other members. For more information on our nominating committee and discerning our gifts in service of the church visit our Gifts Discernment and Service page. If you would like to serve as a liturgist or greeter on Sunday mornings please fill out this form.
Ministering to the Wider World
Cooking or serving a meal for neighbors in need, supporting a young immigrant family in sanctuary, building grassroots support for social change, or building homes with Habitat for Humanity: These are just a few of the ways First Church members regularly reach out to the world in justice and love. Opportunities to get involved abound. Look for one that feeds your spirit.