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Annual Meeting this Sunday, January 31
January 26, 2021
Each year on the final Sunday of January, we gather as a church community for our Annual Meeting. The meeting consists of the standard components of any corporation, like approving the annual reports of officers, committee chairs, and staff, as well as minutes of previous congregational meetings over the past year.
But First Church’s Annual Meeting is much more than mundane business! We celebrate our leaders moving on from their terms of service, and we welcome new folks onto committees and into positions of leadership throughout our community. We discuss important ideas and initiatives bubbling up from within First Church, often in response to where God is calling us now.
This year, we will take up consideration of a Vision for Being an Anti-Racist Church. For many years and especially over the past year, members and friends of First Church have been meeting, praying, listening, and speaking together about our journey toward embodying the Beloved Community, and we are at a point at which a Vision has taken form. Please join us to learn more and offer your feedback, questions, support, and/or endorsement of the Vision. See the event listing on our calendar for details on the agenda and the Zoom invitation.