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Call to Annual Meeting
January 11, 2022
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting
of First Church in Cambridge, Congregational, United Church of Christ,
will be held in its 386th year at 12:00 p.m.,
Sunday the 30th of January, 2022,
by ZOOM conference:
- To approve the minutes of Congregational Meetings held in 2021.
- To receive and act upon the 2021 reports* of the Staff, Officers, Executive Council, Boards, Committees, Teams, and Groups of the Church.
- To affirm a First Church Land Acknowledgment, as presented at the Fall 2021 Congregational Meeting.
- To introduce the 50th Anniversary Celebration of our Frobenius Organ and related Appeal.
- To hear and discuss a report about our Reparations Fund.
- To consider any other business that may legally come before the meeting.
By direction of the Executive Council,
Chris Reynolds, Clerk
Cambridge, Massachusetts
January 10, 2021
*In addition to the written reports linked above, you may find the 2021 Financial Report here.
Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 30 at 12:00 p.m., via Zoom
Each year on the final Sunday of January, we gather as a church community for our Annual Meeting. The meeting consists of the standard components of any corporation, like approving the annual reports of officers, committee chairs, and staff, as well as minutes of previous congregational meetings over the past year.
But First Church’s Annual Meeting is much more than mundane business! We celebrate our leaders moving on from their terms of service, and we welcome new folks onto committees and into positions of leadership throughout our community. We discuss important ideas and initiatives bubbling up from within First Church, often in response to where God is calling us now.
This year, we will take-up consideration of our Land Acknowledgment, as presented at our Fall Congregational Meeting. We will hear about plans for our Frobenius organ’s 50th anniversary celebration and refurbishment. We will also hear an update on our efforts towards being an antiracist church and our Reparations fund.
Please join us as we celebrate and learn about our ministries and discern together where God is leading us next!