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Fall Pastoral and Building Staff Changes
August 23, 2023
This fall, we are thrilled to welcome back Carla Arevalo Carbajal and Ahmaad Edmund in their new roles as half-time Pastoral Associates! As they complete the third year of their Master of Divinity program at Harvard Divinity School, they will no longer be ministerial interns, but full members of our staff. Carla will be responsible for our Newcomers ministry, leading our Confirmation class, helping with First Church social media and digital ministry, and assisting with specific racial and social justice projects, including Earth Stewardship. Ahmaad will be working with our Stewardship team, leading our high-schoolers in monthly Cambridge Common Youth Group gatherings with other local congregations, assisting with adult formation and periodic racial and social justice efforts. Both will be leading worship regularly and preaching roughly once a month. In addition, we will soon welcome HDS third-year Master of Divinity student Emma Thomas as our new Ministerial Intern! We are blessed to have this wonderful team of welcome additions to our already talented, collaborative staff!
In case you missed it, in June, we said farewell to beloved Sexton Kimel Williams, who was ready for a change after many years. And, Labor Day is the last day for our newest Sexton Jason Taggart, who will be returning full-time to his career as master-brewer. We are grateful as ever to Facilities Manager Lee Prouty and Sexton George Williams, and also to Steve Brown and Douglas Casey (returning to our staff this fall) for helping us to staff and care for our busy building while we look for a new part-time sexton to fill out remaining, uncovered shifts.