Organ pipes in the Sanctuary of First Church in Cambridge. A wrought iron chandelier hangs in the foreground.

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GBIO Delegates Assembly

GBIO January Update

Hello First Church,

Welcome to a new year with GBIO! There is already much to share starting with an exciting invitation to the GBIO Delegates Assembly, Thursday, January 27  at 7:00 p.m., via Zoom. Register here to join in as we remember the promise we made to ourselves and our greater community for justice in Housing, Re-entry, and Mental Health. Together we will celebrate how far we have come from our historic Refounding less than a year ago and affirm our road forward in 2022.

Meanwhile, perhaps you read the big news already! On Thursday, January 20, Mayor Wu announced she will fulfill her promise of $50 million dollars for the Mildred C. Hailey apartment complex in Jamaica Plain. This is a direct response to our asks at the two GBIO Mayoral Candidates Events last fall and a clear indicator of the power we have when we show up. GBIO’s organizing was cited specifically by the Mayor as a reason she couldn’t wait to release the needed funding. GBIO worked very closely with tenants inside the apartments, the Boston Housing Authority, and leaders across GBIO to deliver this historic win for a dangerously underfunded community.

2022 is a big year in our Commonwealth, with opportunities to bring our issues into races for governor, state senators, and state reps. Please join in as we take our next steps toward building the power we need to make the change we so desire.

Finally, we’d love to get to know you personally! You’re cordially invited to our first Core Team meeting on February 7 at 7:30 p.m. We’ll mingle on Zoom, and share stories of why we organize with GBIO, and how we want to engage this year. Join here.

Yours in faith and action,

Phil Jones and Will Erickson, for the GBIO Core Team at First Church