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How Can You Serve First Church?
May 24, 2021
As a faith community, we have devoted much love and energy to moving First Church forward in its ministries and aspirations over the past year. Our Homeless Ministries, our Vision for Becoming an Antiracist Church, and our Care and Stewardship for God’s Creation all have grown through your faithful “ZOOM” efforts!
With this good news in mind, we should also celebrate the critical contributions of the Officers and Committees of First Church. For example, without the efforts of our Christian Formation Committee, we’d struggle to offer the spiritually-enriching programs for all generations we’ve become accustomed to. Our Buildings and Grounds Committee keeps our beautiful building in good repair and cuts costs by adopting sustainable practices (solar panels, high efficiency boilers). Folks who serve as Officers and members of the standing Boards and Committees nourish and sustain First Church as an institution, a platform that supports our witnesses for equity, racial justice and environmental justice in Cambridge and the world.
This is the time of year when the Gifts Discernment/Nominating Committee will be reaching out to First Church members and friends. While we have specific Officer and Committee positions to discuss, we’d also like to know your general thoughts about your involvement at First Church. Thanks so much!
Dave Kidder
Chair, Gifts Discernment/Nominating Committee