An ornate wrought iron chandelier suspended from the sanctuary of First Church Cambridge

Search Results

Total 754 results found.

Faith Formation for Children & Youth Starts Up in September!

We are very happy to welcome children and youth back to in-person classes, workshops, and social gatherings this fall! Register your children for this year’s programs. Parents and caregivers, make sure you are on the “First Church Families” email list.…

What Does It Mean To Be Rich Towards God

Ecclesiastes 2:18-23   18 I hated all my toil in which I had toiled under the sun, seeing that I must leave it to my successor, 19 and who knows whether he will be wise or foolish? Yet he will be master of…

Instructions for Accessing the Church Directory

To access our Church Directory online: Call the church office or email Kirsten Manville to receive the password. Click here to be directed to the login page, where you enter the password. If you wish to access your profile or giving…

“Slow Me Down Girlfriend”

“Old Camel Knees.” That’s what the church used to call him. He also was known as James the Just, and tradition has it that he was the earthly brother of Jesus. I’m speaking about the author of the letter from…

Summer Opportunities 2022

There are several ways to connect with First Church this summer. You may choose to read with us, walk with us, take in art with us, eat and drink with us, and – of course – worship with us! Summer…

Compass in the Fog

Every summer, a dear friend and I take a kayak-camping trip to one of the many islands off the coast of Maine. A few years back, we set course for an island farther off-shore than usual, maybe 5 or 6…

Reparations as Spiritual Practice

As for me, because I see reparations as a moral imperative, I cannot in good conscience go about my life without working, on some baseline level, toward paying off this long-term debt incurred by my ancestors. That’s why I give recurring donations – a set portion of my income – to our Reparations Fund.

You Better Praise

Spoken Word The heavens and the earth praise our God of all creation, saluting to a creator as the one who holds all authority, all power, who knows and loves every single entity. There’s a bird who sits outside my…


The First Church Frobenius has 40 stops, 55 ranks and 2949 pipes — all arrayed in a great wooden case. Within this case are four “boxes” or divisions, which connect to the three keyboards and the foot pedals. Would you…

Earth Sunday: Reflections

Reflection by Ariel Ackermann  One of my favorite hymns is “I Wonder as I Wander.” The mystical hymn we often sing in epiphany. But when I first heard it as a kid, I thought the two ‘wonders’ were the same…

What Do You Focus On?

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be pleasing to you Oh God, our rock and our redeemer. Amen. A couple of years ago I received an illustrated book as a gift called…

Preparing for Joining Sunday, May 22!

Have you been thinking about exploring membership at First Church in Cambridge? Do you have a growing sense that First Church is where you belong? Have you recently joined or enjoy meeting new folks in our community and are looking…

Show Me How You Trust

Welcome to the Fifth Sunday of Lent! We have our Lenten theme this year of Jesus our Center, with today’s special theme focusing on Jesus and Trust. Friends, I am going to be completely transparent, and tell you that it…

Holy Week and Easter at First Church

Our 40-day journey with Jesus, Our Center, culminates as we turn toward Jerusalem and to the powerful, somber, mysterious, yet ultimately joy-filled events of Holy Week. This year, we pay special attention to blessing the ties that bind us together…

Keeping the Rage Tender

After a week of being bombarded by news articles about the unceasing horror of what is happening in Ukraine and the slew of laws limiting the rights of women and LGBTQ people, after two years of navigating this pandemic, in…

Homeless Ministries Annual Appeal 2022 Recap

Thank you so much to all who attended Homeless Ministries’ 2022 livestream appeal with special guest Danielle Allen— and a special thanks to all who took the opportunity to make a donation to our work. We’re pleased to report that…

Register for Winter/Lent Faith & Life Groups

Registration is now open for our latest round of Faith & Life Groups! Please register by Wednesday, February 9. READ THE FULL GROUP DESCRIPTIONS AND REGISTER HERE Lenten Morning Prayer with Jaz Buchanan Want to explore centering prayer as a…

Call to Annual Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of First Church in Cambridge, Congregational, United Church of Christ, will be held in its 386th year at 12:00 p.m., Sunday the 30th of January, 2022, by ZOOM conference: To approve the…

Pasta Batman

Years ago, I heard on the radio a light-hearted true story, as told by two brothers, Valion and Paris Lotze, ages 12 and 13. The title was The Greatest Dog Name Ever.[1]   Valion, the 12-year-old, began it: I wanted to…

How We Are Gathering Amidst the Omicron Surge

Given extremely high case counts and hospital overcrowding due to the Omicron surge, our Sunday services will be offered via livestream only through January 30, at least. With the exception of our homeless ministries, OWL class, and youth group, all…

Stewardship Year-End Information

As 2021 comes to its end this week, there are more than a few financial details to share with you: 1)      As a part of the CARES Act, every taxpayer is allowed to deduct up to $300 of charitable contributions from…

Revised Plans for Christmas at First Church

Dear First Church Family, Given the surge of case counts, we are revising our plans for worship on Christmas Eve and in the coming days. Please see below for important updates, and share them widely with friends and neighbors alike!…

The Refiner’s Fire

Reading — Malachi 3: 1-4.  Well, pay attention! I am sending my Messenger to prepare the way for me; the One you seek will suddenly come to the Temple, the Messenger of the Covenant whom you long for will come,…

First Church Land Acknowledgment

The following statement was introduced during the Fall Congregational Meeting, Sunday, November 20, 2021. The congregation voted to affirm it at our Annual Meeting on  Sunday, January 30, 2022.   We, gathered here, acknowledge that we are meeting on land which…

What If?

Are there times in your life when you’ve turned and gone in an unexpected direction?  Tried something a new way?  When you abandoned what you’d been planning for a different idea?  Was there a time when everything changed?  Who was…

Giving As A Spiritual Practice

Together, we are learning how to venture into the deep water of God’s love, throwing our nets that we so lovingly knotted, having faith that God is doing a new thing in and through us in this transitional season. How might we lean further into that invitation to go deeper into relationship with one another?

The Place Where You are Standing is Holy Ground

From Lexi   We heard the story of the burning bush together this morning, a story of a mark of the holiness of God being witnessed in a sacred place, hidden away among the mountains. The horizon seemed as if…

Welcome Forward

A few weeks ago, over Labor Day, I had the privilege of being invited to officiate a wedding for two friends just outside of Bozeman, Montana.  Yes, I was worried about Covid, but they took every precaution and I’m so…

Welcome Ebony, and Other Church Staff Updates

As we get oriented to a new church program year and regather together, we have some updates to our staff roster to share with you. We have the joy of welcoming a new Ministerial Intern into our midst. Ebony West…

Sharing Our Burdens: A Special Service of Poetry & Reflection

READING    1            Psalm 19 The heavens herald your glory, O God, and the skies display your handiwork. Day after day they tell their story, and night after night they reveal the depth of their understanding. There without speech,…

Keeping Our Distance

So, I’ve been thinking about distance lately, and not merely about my keeping mine to at least 6 feet from those around me. It’s partly because I’ve had the pleasure of doing some long distance traveling to the West Coast…

Perspective. Perspective. Perspective.

                Herod seems a bit … unnerved … don’t you think?  He was the one who had ordered that John the Baptist be killed … and now Jesus’ message and passion and following was so similar that people were wondering…

Resting into the Presence of God

Will you please pray with me? May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all hearts be acceptable to you, O God, our rock and redeemer. Amen. We have come to the point in the summer when we…

Just as He Was

How do you like to relax? When the hour hand gets to five after an intense day at work, or you reach the end of your last class of the day, or when you’re halfway through that hourlong commute (how…

Indigenous Allyship Resources

This fall, our Beloved Community, Christian Formation and Missions and Social Justice groups are teaming up to offer a range of opportunities to learn more about the living legacy of settler colonialism.  We look forward to learning on our own…

First Church in Cambridge Creates Reparations Fund

On Monday, May 24, 2021, the Executive Council voted unanimously to approve the creation of a First Church Reparations Fund. The measure was brought before church leaders by members of the Exploring Reparations Faith and Life group, our Beloved Community…

An Opportunity Before Us

Dear Friends, As we look ahead to the summer and fall, we are invited to discern next steps as we journey further into post-pandemic life, our three-phase staffing plan, and our vision of being an antiracist church. We have two…

Reflections on Mary, Mother of God

Please find the series of reflections for this service in video format. No manuscript available. The series of reflections were based on the following passage from the Bible. Gospel of  Luke 1: 46 – 55     46 And Mary[a] said, “My…

A Letter from Our Moderator

Though my time zone will be different and though our pathways may be diverging for now, First Church, know that you will all be in my heart and in my prayers, until such time as we meet again. 

A Congregational Survey on Reopening in the Fall

Update: Thank you to everyone who completed our congregational survey! Over 90 people provided their input and feedback, and church staff and leaders are working through a time of processing and planning for our new ways of being together. Stay…

Mothers’ Day Virtual Walk for Peace

The Mothers’ Day Walk for Peace is a beloved Boston tradition and celebration of our potential to create more peaceful communities.  It is the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute’s (LDBPI) largest fundraising event to grow and sustain their services, advocacy…

A Call to Humility

For this next reading, I invite us all to take a deep breath first. Maybe close your eyes if you like. I also ask you to try to take these words in not only with your minds, but in your…