Preparing the Way for Jesus in Our Homes
The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting,
“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Matthew 21:9)
Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week, the week before Easter when we observe Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday as we journey with Jesus towards the cross, into the tomb, and await the good news of Easter.
Hosanna, an exclamation that means “save us,” seems particularly appropriate this year as we continue to live our lives moment by moment and day by day in these uncertain and foreboding times. We enter Holy Week at the same time as cases of the corona virus are predicted to peak in our area of the country. Yesterday, we waved our palms for help and also as proclamations of our faith, that God will make a way for us somehow.
This Palm Sunday we could not come together in a crowd like our siblings from the past, but we can arrange a virtual crowd with the beautiful pictures of the Holy Week altars members of the First Church community lovingly assembled in their homes!
Behold the crowd! Take some time to scroll through. Can you find your home worship space in the collage? I invite you to pick a picture that is not your own and pray for that household’s spirit and wellbeing this week. How is having an altar space in your home going so far? Does your space feel different? Which picture did you pick to pray for?
Wherever we are on this journey of life or faith, our hearts are gathered together in spirit and are bound together by the love of God.
Peace be with you,
Lexi Boudreaux, Pastoral Associate, FCC