Sermons & Services

Children’s Sunday “The Great Family”

Today, we open the Word through a Godly Play story. Kids, I am going to share with the grown-ups how we hear stories and wonder about them.  I need you to be a part of the story, too, especially at the end. Listen for when I call you to come up to the table to help with a special part of the story. Okay?

Okay, now, grown-ups: Imagine that you are amongst the youngest children of our Church School, heading out that door during the Peace hymn to line up along the Hastings Common wall, ready to walk through Margaret Jewett Hall to the Library. You remove your shoes in the small entryway between the Chapel and the Library’s side door to the Library. You walk a bit more slowly on your sock feet, through a circle of cushions on the floor, to the worship table, where a candle is lit. You observe the Circle of the Church Year on a large piece of felt, with an arrow pointing to the second Sunday after Pentecost. You notice that we’re heading into the “green, growing” time of the year, sometimes called Ordinary Time.

You get settled on a cushion in the circle. Hmm, most of you are sitting on cushions right now! Are you settled? Comfortable? Are you ready? Ready to hear a Sacred Story of how God and people meet? This story is called “The Great Family.”

Watch carefully where Lindsay goes to find the Desert Box and this story, and then look up at the screen to watch…