A female minister blows out a candle

Spiritual Guidance and Pastoral Care

Being a part of a church community means that we take care of each other—especially now, in this time of pandemic and uncertainty. The ministers of First Church are available to pray with you and for you, to talk with you about your faith journey, or a particular struggle you might be having, or a joy you are celebrating—or all of the above! Life is often full of unexpected surprises, some welcome and some that require a little extra support. First Church staff, deacons, and members of the pastoral care teams are here for you, ready to accompany you along this part of your journey.

If you would like more information, contact a minister.

If you feel you need a more long-term and consistent companion in your spiritual journey, meeting with a Spiritual Director might serve your needs. Please contact one of our ministers for recommendations.


The office of deacon dates to the early church, when the apostles needed help ministering to the needs of those in the growing Christian community (see Acts 6). Our Board of Deacons holds the spiritual heart of our church, guides our decisions about our worship life, and provides pastoral care and nurturing to our congregation. The Board includes up to nine members who meet monthly and also serve as members of the Executive Council.

Community Ministers

First Church is blessed to have a number of clergy and seminary-trained professionals as active members of our congregation. Some are currently serving in parish or chaplaincy settings. Some are seasoned ministers awaiting their next call; others are approved for ordination and seeking a first call. Some are retired or semi-retired.

Our community ministers regularly engage with the congregation through preaching, visitation, mentoring ministry students and interns, teaching in our Christian Formation program, and leading small groups.

Our list of First Church Community Ministers

Rev. Norm Bendroth

Rev. Krysia Burnham

Rev. Brent Coffin

Rev. Henry Gates

Rev. Philip LaFollette

Rev. Beth Loomis

Rev. Mónica Maher

Rev. Kerry Maloney

Rev. Mary Robinson

Rev. Renate Rose

Rev. Henry Schoenfield

Rev. Heather Stanford

Rev. Alex Steinert-Evoy

Rev. Beth Spaulding

Rev. Jennifer Wilkes Stuart

Rev. Liz Williams

Rev. Mary Martha Thiel

Rev. Ken Ziebell