Rev. Karen McArthur
Minister of Stewardship & Finance
Rev. Karen McArthur has been a part of the congregational church since her Minnesota childhood. She studied math and economics at Wellesley College and earned an M.Div. at Harvard Divinity School and now combines the two by specializing in church finance. She is the founder of Congregational Finance LLC and has compiled the Church Finance Handbook for the Massachusetts Conference UCC.
She has been a part of First Church since 2004, with staff responsibility for all things financial: recording contributions and income, payroll and bills, and managing our budget. She was ordained by the United Church of Christ in 1987 and has served six New England congregations.
When she’s not at church, you might find her kayaking, singing shape note music, researching genealogy, or cheering on the Dartmouth High School Marching Band. She lives in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts, with her partner Linda Keith and their two children Drew and Abby. More information about Karen and her finance ministry can be found at www.congregationalfinance.com.