Sanctuary of First Church in Cambridge

Building Use and Weddings

Thank you for your interest in using space at First Church in Cambridge. FCC offers beautiful, handicapped-accessible spaces for your concert, reception, wedding, meeting or other event. In 2018, First Church underwent a major renovation of spaces outside our sanctuary. Improvements include a gorgeous new kitchen to serve our congregation and the wider community, new bathrooms, energy efficiency measures, free guest Wifi and other AV upgrades. What was once an enclosed church parlor is now a wide open welcoming space in the center of our building.  If you haven’t been to First Church in awhile, come and see for yourself!

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The building is not only the focus for a worshiping congregation, but also functions as a center for the surrounding Cambridge community, housing a preschool, homeless shelter, and other compatible activities. The building is home to concert series, weekly dances, 12-step meetings, and a multitude of other events. From the larger worship spaces to smaller meeting rooms, First Church has the right space for your next event.

For more information about using space at First Church or to inquire about availability for a particular date, please contact our Director of Operations via email at


The sanctuary and chapel at First Church host a wide variety of musical performances presented by greater Boston’s more active performing organizations, many of whom call First Church their performing home. The Spectrum Singers, the Boston Early Music Festival, the Cantata Singers, the Seraphim Singers, and many more are drawn by the ideal acoustics and visual beauty of our Sanctuary; numerous smaller ensembles such as Viols and Friends and many students perform in the Chapel, treasured for its outstanding acoustics and intimate setting.


Planning a wedding? Congratulations! First Church in Cambridge offers sanctuary and reception hall reservations, Please email or call  the office at (617) 547-2724 to inquire about space availability and gather more information. If you need a clergy person to officiate, please let us know. First Church ministers are sometimes available, and if not we can recommend other possible officiants.

At First Church in Cambridge, we believe that God blesses ALL couples who seek to join together in faithful covenant. Gay or straight, interracial, interfaith, or all of the above, we will be happy to work with you to explore the issues of marriage with you and to plan your wedding. Read more about our Open and Affirming stance here.

Memorial Services

First Church offers many resources for times of loss, including pastoral care, grief counseling, and funeral and memorial services.

A funeral service takes place soon after a death has occurred and often involves a casket. It is generally religious in nature, with prayers, scripture readings, words of reflection and music that lift up the presence and power of God in matters of life and death, and particularly in the life of the deceased. It is a service not only of mourning but also of hope in the promises of God. It may be followed by a cemetery service of committal.

A memorial service may be held weeks or even months following a death, depending on circumstances.  While prayers and scripture may be included, the emphasis in a memorial service is more on the life of the deceased and his or her relationships. It is a chance for the community to give fuller expression to their gratitude and love, and to say a final farewell

To inquire about pastoral services related to loss, or to check on availability of space for a remembrance service, please email or call 617-547-2724. We will be happy to assist in any way possible.

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