Two parents and their son approach the entrance to a stone church
Two women sit in a pew and laugh
Sunday services at First Church in Cambridge
Sanctuary of First Church in Cambridge
First Church in Cambridge

Your First Visit

We are so glad that you’ve decided to Get To Know Us!

Help us get to know you by filling out a visitor card, so that we may reach out and connect with you about our community.  You will find visitor cards in the pews on Sunday mornings to be dropped in the offering plate or fill out our virtual visitor card!

We love to learn and grow together, to worship and sing together, to break bread together, to laugh together, and to act together in justice and joy. We believe we aren’t meant to go it alone, but to rely on each other and on God’s wisdom and grace through the hard times and the good.

What to Expect on a Sunday Morning

Our Sunday morning worship services are:
11:00 a.m. ET from September–June
10:00 a.m. ET from July–August

You may attend our Sunday services in-person or via livestream. Please visit our worship page for the livestream link and current service bulletin.

Our Sunday services include music and prayers, scripture readings, and preaching. There’s often a time for children, some announcements, and an opportunity to give to the work of the church. Along with the ministers, church members of all ages take part in leading worship.

On the first Sunday of each month, we share the bread and cup of communion together. Young and old, saints and sinners—all are welcome at Christ’s table! Be sure to have a piece of bread and some juice or wine ready on your home altar if you are joining from home.

Please visit Worship for a more complete description of our worship traditions.

Creating a Sacred Space at Home

Church is where the people are! We worship as a hybrid community. If you are joining us remotely as you get ready to invite God into your home, you might want to create a home altar using elements personal to you, such as cloth, flowers, shells, or other items. If you can, include a candle and something to light it with.

a cup and plate on a table cloth


Coffee Hour and formation

After church, we often like to gather together for a time of fellowship. Sometimes there’s a chance to join a discussion or listen to a talk.  At 9:30 a.m. or 12:15 p.m., we may often a hybrid adult formation program in one of our meeting rooms. You are welcome to attend in person, or to log in on zoom. Please join us—we’d love to meet you. The links to Zoom meetings can be found on the calendar.


What kind of church are you?

First Church is an historically Protestant church with deep roots in the progressive tradition. Congregational by heritage (going back to 1636!), we are a part of the United Church of Christ, a denomination founded in 1957.

What do you believe?

We are a Trinitarian Christian congregation of whole-hearted welcome and ever-expanding inclusion. The God we worship is the radical, boundary-crossing God revealed in Jesus Christ, in whose steps we imperfectly follow, trusting always in the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Our Faith

Where are you located?

Our historic church building stands at the corner of Garden and Mason streets, just outside Harvard Square—across from Cambridge Common, and right next door to the Sheraton Commander Hotel.

Parking and Directions

What time is church on Sunday?

From September – June, our service takes place at 11:00 a.m. During July and August, it starts an hour earlier, at 10:00 a.m.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you wish! First Church in Cambridge has no dress code. Most of us dress comfortably and somewhat informally—heels and ties are definitely optional. We hope that you come as you are to worship or any programming that we offer.

How is church happening during COVID?

Right now,  we are worshiping in a hybrid fashion, with some people attending in person, and others worship via livestream. Many of our programs and activities continue to be online or have an online component. In person, online, both: there are many ways to be a part of First Church in Cambridge!

Do you have programs for children and families?

Children and families are a vital part of our church life, and we have a variety of programs to support and nurture them. We also enjoy bringing children and adults together for meals, creative arts projects, and other multigenerational activities.

Is the Building accessible?

Our Sanctuary and Lindsay Chapel are wheelchair accessible.  On Sunday mornings, large print service bulletins and assistive listening devices are always available.


Are there other opportunities for VIRTUAL and in person connection during the week?

Lots! Here are a few ways to connect: